PhD in Development Studies, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)
Area of work
Displacement economies, Refugees, Gender-based violence
Current projects
The project focuses on enhancing equitable health access for disabled persons in Ghana and Tanzania through participatory, interdisciplinary approaches.
This project explores changes in resettlement policies, specifically related to the concept of “vulnerability”, and how these policy changes shape the processes of how refugees are selected for resettlement.
Fafo publications
Articles and book chapters
Other publications
Completed projects
Fafo has been asked by FAO to make a literature review on social protection and its potentials in addressing child labour in agriculture and to produce a guidance note to eliminate child labour in agriculture through social protection.
In this project, MARE, we look at Europe's role in the management of migration and refuges in 4 areas, Amman in Jordan, the Bequaa Valley in Lebanon, Agades in Niger and Nakivale refugee camp in Uganda.
The Perceptions of Good Jobs study has been conducted in order to better understand and explain how jobs are perceived in a number of selected countries. The report is primarily targeted to provide inputs towards the WDR 2013 and is part of a series of studies conducted on perceptions of good jobs in four countries: Colombia, China, Egypt and Sierra Leone. The main emphasis has been to explore the nature of jobs that affect living standards and enhance social cohesion.
Disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration (DDR) programming has become an integral element of international programming in countries transitioning from conflict. Despite attracting a high level of attention and resources, DDR's impact on ex-combatants is poorly understood.
In the early 2000s, United Nations peacekeeping operations experienced a series of scandals stemming from acts of sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) committed by peacekeepers against the local population. The UN responded by promulgating strategies to combat SEA by military and civilian peacekeeping personnel.